Saturday, November 13, 2010

you are the BIGGEST bitch

I cried the most this year not literally but still . So many things happened. And, every time I cry, I’ll turn more into a little devil. I’ll think of confronting so many people but when I think again, I know that things wouldn’t get any better. No one knows what I really think about everything.

Sometimes I wish I was invisible. No one will care or gossip about you. “Only good friends can be trusted.” - I never believed that. They might be very nice to you but when you’re not around, the gossip starts.

I have a friend who I don’t really like. She twists stories around to make herself look good. She always tells everybody something that she heard from another person but she claims that it was her. All her friends worship her but I don’t. She might look ‘cool’ and all that but she’s a real loser.

I keep my anger to myself most of the time. I would just walk away and keep quiet.. I am really uncomfortable with all these but I can tell no one about it. There is no one I can really trust except for one but we don’t really have time to talk about these.

I’m sorry that this post is so emotional and personal but I just need to give it out. I really needed to. This isn’t all of it but it is all that I have to say for now.

i NEVER liked you and i NEVER will, PUSSY !

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